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Keynote Speakers

Dr. Bivash Pandav

pandavDr. Bivash Pandav is working at the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun as a Scientist. His special field of expertise is Tiger Conservation and Conservation of Olive Ridley sea turtle.

He completed his M.Sc. in Wildlife Science in 1993 and then completed his research on Ridley sea turtles from Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar.

He has published more than eighteen papers different scientific journals and is a serving member of the IUCN/SSC as a Crocodile and Cat Specialist Group since 2009.

Dr. P.C. Banerji

Dr PC Banerji is a physician by profession and a birder by passion. His interest in bird watching developed from his school days, when he would watch birds in their natural habitat and observe their activities.

Later in his medical school days he would devote holidays and Sundays to birding, and visits to Bharatpur bird sanctuary became a regular activity in his process of exploring the world of birds.

Dehradun’s strategic geographical location has given him to a wonderful opportunity to study the rich avifauna of this region. Whatever time he can spare from his busy Medical Profession is utilized in studying the birds in their natural habitat in Uttarakhand.  He has worked in the field of bird conservation by involving school children in bird watching programs and sensitizing them to eco-conservation issues through interesting field visits and educative interactive programs. He strongly believes that the educated youth holds the success of conserving the planet earth by conserving other species which coexists with humans.

Mr. Biju Negi

bijunegiMr. Biju Negi is a Writer-Editor, Researcher, Development Consultant, Documentation Specialist and an Activist, for over 30 years. He has worked at local, national and international levels.

Mr. Negi is a Gandhian by inclination and practice. He is a Founding member of Beej Bachao Andolan (Save Seeds Movement), a non-formal collective of small farmers across Uttarakhand, seeking to preserve traditional seeds and traditional principles of agriculture.

Mr. Negi has supervised researchers from The Netherlands, Great Britain and the USA on small farmer issues. He is presently developing a platform for small farmer-consumer interaction and strongly believes that small farmers are the original scientists of the world.

Ms. Manu Mehta

manumehta Ms. Manu Mehta is working at the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun which is a branch of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) as a Scientist at of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Department. Her special field of expertise is Atmospheric parameter retrieval and Time series analysis.

Her academic standards are par excellence as she is a Gold medallist in her M.Sc. Physics and a batch topper in M. Tech. in Opto-Electronics and Optical Communications from IIT Delhi.

She has more than ten peer reviewed journal publications and has been reviewer and editor of many journals in the field of remote sensing.

Dr. B. M. Sharma

Dr. Brij Mohan Sharma of Society of Pollution & Environmental Conservation Scientists (SPECS) is a very well known person of Uttarakhand. His pioneering works include science popularisation, conservation of energy and water purification. He is recognised by National Award and twice by State Award in the field of spreading the use of renewable and efficient energy.

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