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The Doon School launches whole school teacher training iPGCE at Master’s level with the Institute of Education, University of London

Institute of Education, University of London

The Doon School has embarked on a unique international teacher education program offered by the Institute of Education, University of London. The Doon School, established in 1935 is India’s pre-eminent boarding school which specializes in boys boarding aged 12-18. The school’s founder SR Das was educated in an academic boys’ school in the UK and wanted the best practice that he experienced for boys in India. The strong connection with the UK has made the collaboration with the IOE an obvious one, and both institutions have a clear mission and identity rooted in best educational practice and values the research and evidence that supports and enhances that practice.

The Doon School is the first school outside of the UK to embark upon a whole school teacher training program in this way. Four years ago, the school began discussions with the IOE. The school’s commitment to India, through its mission which began in 1935, has not wained and the decision to invest in all of the teaching staff is a power indication of the reaffirming of that commitment. All members of the school’s teaching staff are expected to complete the iPGCE, a bespoke program built around the developmental needs of the school, but based on the London-based teacher education program currently offered at the IOE. It involves input and assessment by academic staff from the IOE at the school through regular school visits and work with teachers on aspects of their personal pedagogical practice supported by the study and application of best practice and relevant research into learning and teaching. As a consequence the iPGCE features a strong practitioner enquiry element and is underpinned in its design by the best available evidence on teaching and learning.

The program has never been more important as schools develop either franchises or stand alone operations and the supply of good teachers quickly outstripping demand from the usual international pool or those who apply from the UK.

Andy Ash, coordinator of the project at the IOE, said:

‘We are really pleased to be working with The Doon School and to be the first organization to launch this exciting new teacher training program in India. The IOE prides itself as a world class institution and is internationally recognized as a center for excellence for its teacher training programs and research. The IOE is involved in a growing number of partnerships in the field of teacher education internationally. To be able to share these resources and to actively contribute to the Indian education system is something we are committed to and are very happy to be part of. We see a good fit of the mission of the school around serving India with the mission of the IOE around social justice.’

Headmaster, Dr Peter McLaughlin said:

‘The Doon School wanted to ensure best practice and parity of esteem with its international teaching peers at a time when there has never been a greater need for schools worldwide to provide first class teachers in the classroom. Our boys respond very well to well qualified teachers who love their subject and can engage with them. The boys at Doon are very aspirational, applying with considerable success, to first class universities in India and abroad.
The school has chosen the IOE because they have a long and established track record of training teachers who will learn the value of research and evidence in developing their teaching practice. This whole school teacher training program is at the heart of the school’s ten year development plan. I am very grateful to the ongoing support of the Chairman of the Board, Mr Gautam Thapar for this commitment to the school’s teacher training programme. I am particularly delighted that the Indian High Commission has graciously agreed to host the launch reception on 13th June 2014′.

About the IOE

The Institute of Education is a world-leading university specialising in education and the social sciences. The Institute of Education is a world-leading university specialising in education and the social sciences. Founded in 1902, the Institute currently has more than 7,000 students and 800 staff. In January 2014, the Institute was recognised by Ofsted for its ‘Outstanding’ initial teacher training across primary, secondary and further education. In the 2014 QS World University Rankings, the Institute was ranked number one for education worldwide. In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise two-thirds of the publications that the IOE submitted were judged to be internationally significant and over a third were judged to be “world leading”. The Institute is part of the University of London.

Notes to Editors: For further details contact: James Russell 020 7911 5556 or Rowan Walker 020 7911 5423

The Doon School

The Doon School offers the Indian School Certificate and the IB at Class 11 and 12. Indian boys apply from all over India and from outside of the country. The school offers a full boarding education and boys apply to top universities in Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada as well as Russell Group universities in the UK and Ivy League and well known liberal arts and colleges in the US.
Boys also take part in an extensive student exchange programme with schools from Australia and Singapore to the UK and US.
The school has a whole school approach to social service and leadership within its curriculum. Its alumni feature past pupils who have made their mark in all areas of professional life, from politics to the arts. The school has recently launched its ‘Summer at Doon Leadership’ programme.
The Doon School is in membership of HMC and the International Boys School Coalition.

Notes to Editors: For further information please contact Elizabeth McLaughlin