Publications & Journals

Journal – Research Drive 2023
The Research Drive journal publishes research and scientific initiatives undertaken by students in Junior Forms (B, A, and S) under the supervision of the SC (12th) Form. This promotes critical thinking abilities and broadens students’ brains to apply concepts acquired in the classroom to real-world situations. It allows Junior students to work under the tutelage of their Seniors, which enriches them with valuable attributes while also providing Senior students with hands-on experience mentoring and leading others to success. This year, we’ve incorporated research submitted to contests and journals to recognize our students’ devotion and hard work. We will publish a research publication during this year’s ISSC.

Magazine – The Echo
The Doon School’s biannual science magazine, The Echo, has fostered a deep sense of scientific literacy amongst our students. Delving into contemporary issues and discoveries, the publication allows curious minds to express their views and insights in the evolving fields of science. The Echo also chronicles recent breakthroughs, keeping the School community informed. This platform engages scientific dialogue and empowers students to become active participants in scientific communication and exploration.