Membership to the IPSS
The membership of the IPSS should primarily be restricted to Doscos (Old Boys and girls of The Doon School).
New members should be from different walks of life/professions and from different age groups and different regions. They should have a proven interest in the school or in education and/or associated activities. They could include educationists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, architects, social workers, journalists, accountants, members of the defence services, members of the administrative services (e.g. the lAS, IFS,IPS, IRS, State administrative services), businessmen, sportsmen, and professionals in diverse fields (advertising, film, IT, etc.)
The person invited to apply for membership of the IPSS needs a proposer and a seconder who have known the proposed person for five years. The proposer and the seconder should also have been members of the IPSS for at least one year. It is for the proposer to specify in writing, as part of this application, why the person recommended should be made a member and how the person proposed can contribute to the mission of the IPSS. No proposer and/or seconder can recommend more than two names for membership to the Society in any given year.
Please click here to download the form for Membership to The Indian Public School’s Society.