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Winter Young Round Square Conferences 2016

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The British School Young Round Square Conference

A delegation of ten boys escorted by NTC participated in The British School Young Round Square Conference from 2nd December to 4th December 2015. The theme of the conference was “Breaking Walls…. Nothing is impossible”. The conference motivated our delegates to change the world, the best thing is to break walls like Gender Equality and Caste System.

The PPS Young Round Square Conference

A delegation of six boys escorted by PKD participated in The Young Round Square Conference held at PPS Nabha from 6 December to 8 December 2015. The theme of the conference was  “Discuss, Debate and Decide”. The conference aimed to inculcate amongst the youth the feeling of unity, equality, participation and empowerment.

The Daly College Young Round Square Conference

A delegation of ten  boys escorted by AKM & JNX participated in “The Daly College Round Square Conference” from 4 January to 10 January 2016. The Theme of the conference was ‘Somewhere over the Rainbow…..Dreaming of a Wonderful World. The conference made everyone aware about their responsibility by ensuring that every little honest effort can bring about a change within us and the world around us. The play ‘Time Machine’ presented by Doon School delegation was appreciated by all.