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Round Square

The Round Square Association is based on the theories of experiential educational philosopher Kurt Hahn. His most famous pupil was HRH Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip. Kurt Hahn believed that schools should have a greater purpose, beyond preparing young people for college and university. The Doon School has been a member of Round Square since the mid-1980s. Dr. Hahn believed that it was crucial for boys to prepare for life by having them face it head on and experience it in ways that would demand courage, generosity, imagination, principle and resolution. As a result, he felt that young people would become empowered and develop the skills and abilities to be the leaders and guardians of tomorrow’s world. Round Square schools are founded on a philosophy which embraces a series of six pillars or precepts which are summed up in the acronym IDEALS. They are Internationalism, Democracy, Environment, Adventure, Leadership and Service. Boys at Round Square schools make a commitment to addressing each of these pillars through exchanges, work projects, community service and adventure. The overriding goal is to ensure the full and individual development of every boy as a whole person through the simultaneous realization of academic, physical, cultural and spiritual aspirations. In this activity, boys from our school participate in the following:

  • Round Square Conferences (Regional and International)
  • Round Square Social Service Projects (Regional and International)
  • Student Exchange Programme
  • Environmental Awareness Programmes
  • Membership of the Round Square complements the school’s commitment to DSMUN, IAYP and the SUPW programmes.

Round Square projects available to boys include: Ladakh, Kattapathar, Bangladesh, Peru, South Africa, Switzerland, Thailand and Cambodia.