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HM-Prospective Parents Meeting

In conversation with the Headmaster of The Doon School

The Headmaster, Dr Peter McLaughlin will be delighted to meet prospective parents in the following cities:

Bangalore on Friday 5th September 2014

Chennai on Friday 21st November 2014

and Hyderabad and Kerala in 2015, with dates to be announced shortly.

The event will be titled ‘In conversation with the Headmaster of The Doon School.’ A presentation and reception afterwards will enable interested parents to hear more about the unique education that The Doon School can provide their sons.

For more details about the event, please do not hesitate to contact The Head of Admissions, Mr Madan Kothari by email at: or tel: +91 0135 2526406.

Please note office hours are 9am-5pm Monday – Friday and Saturday morning 9am-1.30pm.

We look forward to hearing from you.