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Twelve Plus


For entry into Class VIII (C Form) a candidate needs to be over 12 years and under 13 years in September of the year he sits the examination. Boys who did not pass the admissions test on their first attempt in Class VII are permitted to appear for the test again in Class VIII, but boys are also welcome to sit the admissions test for the first time in Class VIII itself. All boys compete on an equal basis for the places available.

What preparation should a boy do to succeed?

Boys are encouraged to prepare from an early age. This means that they need to develop a genuine and life-long interest in reading, as well as develop a passion for an interest in a field of their choice such as art, music, sport or any other hobby or activity. Families that read together, succeed together. A boy from a family interested in arts or sports or having a genuine interest in the world around them will always be of more interest to the School than a boy cramming for the examination.

What is the school’s policy on tutoring facilities ahead of the entrance examination?

Boys do have to work hard at school and must revise their school work thoroughly before taking the examination. A casual interest in studies at school is not a sufficient preparation for entrance to Doon. However, The Doon School does not support the use of tutoring facilities or endorse any coaching academy. The school’s view is that a family’s time and money would be better spent developing genuine intellectual interests as outlined in the answer to the questions above. The school is genuinely shocked to see organizations charging huge sums of money by feeding upon the insecurities of prospective parents, particularly at the time of the interview.

Where can I sit the entrance examination?

There is a variety of centres in India, which include Calcutta, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad and Bangalore. The largest number of candidates from all over India and around the globe choose to come to the school itself. The school, however, provides parents with a choice and provides details of the centres in the year of sitting the examination.

Who do I need to know to get a place at the school? Contrary to popular belief, no one can influence admissions. Every boy is admitted on his own merits. Our Founder had a vision of an all-India school which would have boys from every state regardless of religion, caste, socio-economic background or position living and working together and in which every boy was equal. That aspiration is strictly applied to admissions.

What is the size of the “donation” to get a place at the school?

‘Donations’ for admission to schools are illegal under the RTE Act, 2009. The Doon School is a lawful and ethical institution that zealously guards its reputation, integrity and character. As we are a charitable, non-profit society created to offer an excellent education to boys irrespective of their wealth or position, anyone attempting to give a ‘donation’ is automatically disqualified from admission.

What is the difference between a scholarship and a bursary?

A scholarship is a merit-based award that carries with it widely varying financial awards. Its purpose is to indicate and reward a boy’s outstanding ability in a particular area of school life, and it will serve as a clear marker to applications to universities that the candidate has shown such ability for a considerable period of time. Please see the Scholarship and Bursary Booklet for further details. A bursary is a means tested award of financial aid. It can be for up to 100% of the fees. The school offers a variety of these to parents of families needing assistance for their sons to study at Doon, including the armed forces and civil services. These awards are inclusive: all income groups who are able to demonstrate financial need are eligible to apply. There is a clear and transparent process for applications for financial aid. For information on this, the Finance Department and the Accounts Office can be reached at t:+91 135 2526 417 f: +91 135 2755398 Please note that the department operates normal office hours.

If a boy applies for but is not awarded a scholarship or merit-based award but needs financial support, how should he seek aid?

The family would then apply to the school for financial support through a means tested award. In this way the integrity of the merit-based award is not compromised and the school is able to provide financial aid from its endowment to those families who genuinely require such support.

Are there any concessions for siblings and/or sons of past pupils?

The Doon School is transparent about the fact that it does offer siblings and sons and grandsons of past pupils a consideration in the marking of the entrance examination. There is, however, no concession with regard to the school fees. The number of applicants in these categories varies from year to year, but the vast majority of our current boys as well as prospective ones do not fall into either of those categories. Alumnbi of the school may seek financial assistance from the Doon School Old Boys Society (DSOBS).

Does it matter if I have not boarded before?

There is no need for a boy to have had boarding experience before coming to The Doon School. While some boys have come from boarding schools, the majority come to Doon from day schools. Our admissions information, the induction process on joining and the boys’ orientation in the first term is designed around the assumption that no boy has prior boarding experience. Doon is a unique institution, so boys start from scratch together.

I have not studied Hindi, so what do I do about the entrance examination?

There is no longer a Hindi test as part of the entrance examination process.

Is there any difference in where a boy sits the examination?

There is no difference in where a boy sits the entrance examination. If he chooses the school, he will receive substantial morning refreshments and a very tasty lunch, thus enabling him to try out the school food. But there is otherwise no difference in the process. All our regional centres are invigilated by staff from The Doon School itself.

Does the Headmaster interview every boy regardless of time and place? The Headmaster interviews each boy who has been successful in reaching the interview stage. This may take place at the school or at a centres around India.

Do prospective parents require a letter of recommendation from their current school, past parent, past pupil or current parent or current pupil as part of their registration?


Do we recommend that you visit the school and bring your son?  

Absolutely yes! The school welcomes prospective parents throughout the academic year and especially in term time when you can see the school for yourself and so can your son! We organize individual tours and it would be appreciated if parents make an appointment for the visit.  Please register your interest by contacting the school in advance to arrange a tour. Please  contact Admissions Office at: or telephone him on +91 135 2526406 or view the school

If we live outside of India can we choose to sit the entrance examination in school and then have our son be interviewed on the following Monday?

You certainly can opt to do this as we are very aware that many parents have made long flights to get to us so it makes perfect sense. Please just inform us in advance.

If we would rather our son remained at home to sit the examination in his country of residence?

Depending upon where you live and the facilities available, this is certainly possible. Please contact Admissions Office for further details.