Doon Featured in Fortune Magazine
We don’t want to be known as the Eton of India. Schools in the West should say ‘We are like Doon.’
The Headmaster, Dr Peter McLaughlin is featured in Fortune Magazine April 2014 which this month, is focusing upon leadership.
The Headmaster talks about the school’s founder S.R. Das who wanted a school for Indian boys of all states and communities but rooted in best educational practice. Dr McLaughlin also talks about leadership and the development of risk taking and innovation at The Doon School.
The Doon School now has 40% of its boys in receipt of financial support of one type or another. Today, The Doon School is focused upon attracting India’s best and brightest boys who will excel in all areas of school life, such as the arts, sport and social service. Today, boys come from every state in India and from Indian families located outside of India. The school is proud of its leadership heritage,its excellent examination results at ISCE, ISC and IB and its first class university and college offers in India and internationally. But perhaps most of all, one of the school’s greatest aims is for the boys to be safe and supported by a strong ethos of pastoral care.
Please click here to read the article in the Fortune Magazine.