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English Debating Society (Senior and Junior)

The Junior and Senior English Debating Societies are perhaps two of the earliest societies of the school. This Society has been immensely popular and has re-invented itself enormously over the past few years. It started a Public Speaking STA in 2011. Through its meetings as an STA and the meetings as a society, the EDS seeks to train boys in various forms of public speaking and debating. The Society trains boys in five debating formats: the Oxford School, the Cambridge School, the Cross-Examination, the Parliamentary and the World Schools’ Debating. The STA will seek to train the boys in impromptu speech, extempore speech, persuasive speech, argumentative speech, after-dinner speech and news-reading. The EDS sends representations to various inter-school and international competitions, and hosts the prestigious Chuckerbutty Memorial Debates of its own. Active membership should be sought by all boys. The ability to communicate clearly and succinctly in a confident manner is a skill required by all top class universities nationally and internationally; it is an advantage at job interviews, as an employee, or even in every-day life. Communication – verbally and on paper – is a perennial skill that is never off the educational agenda. It is never off the list of requirements by employers large and small, nationally and internationally, and in all sectors.